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Subject: FLASH: Re: Now: SWFs and GLCS
From: Brad Bechtel
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 01:03:10 +0100

Frederico asks:

has anyone on list ever had an example of GLCS 3.1.1 or AGL4.0 "destroying" SWF's, I.E., having the <embed> code cause hidden objects to appear?

...however, he doesn't indicate what GLCS or AGL are.

Uncommon acronyms are harder to decipher than the full name of the product in question. Which programs are you referring to when you say GLCS and AGL?

I did a search for GLCS using http://www.altavista.com and mostly found references to the Grace Lutheran Church and Schools in Escondido, California. As far as I know, Macromedia Flash has no problem with the Grace Lutheran Church and Schools in Escondido, California. YMMV (your mileage may vary).

Brad Bechtel
Flash QA (quantity assurance)

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  Now: SWFs and GLCS WAS: Re: FLASH: RE: , Frederico

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