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Subject: RE: FLASH: WB36! site check w/URL
From: JECJ
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 20:12:31 +0100

Here is my experience:

EQUIP: P166, NT Server, Netscape Comm. 4.04 (have plug-in, served as
RESULT: Reached sizing .swf, clicking on the largest # gave: JavaScript
Error: http://www.wb36.com/, MM_openBrWindow is not defined.

EQUIP: P166, NT Server, IE 3.02
RESULT: Redirect page

EQUIP: PII 450, Win98, NN 2.01(no plug-in [purposely])
RESULT: Redirect page

EQUIP: PII 450, Win98, IE 4.0
RESULT: No problem accessing site at all

You may want to improve your backward compatibility. All of the above
machines should be able to view your Flash content. A former Director of
Internet Services for a local television station myself, I know that is of
extreme importance as you certainly receive one of the most diverse client
groups imaginable.

I too thought the idea of sizing was novel, however, given Flash's ability
to scale, I have to wonder about it's usefulness.

Also, your music on/off button is labeled backwards.

Eh.. Just thinkin' out loud!

Hope that helps!


Champer Interactive
webmasteratchamper [dot] com

-----Original Message-----
From: Nigel Randsley-Pena [SMTP:nigelatmail [dot] telepac [dot] pt]
Sent: Friday, April 30, 1999 11:45 AM
To: flasheratshocker [dot] com
Subject: Re: FLASH: WB36! site check w/URL


Try and get to know what the configurations that give problems are, but
remember a universal working detector does not exist, yet at least.
A quick read of index.reschoose.html revealed no obvious errors.

On another note : I loved the way you get the users window size ! Now
why hadn't I thought about that one before ?


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  Re: FLASH: WB36! site check w/URL, John Croteau
  RE: FLASH: WB36! site check w/URL, Jayma

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