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Subject: Re: FLASH: would like some basic info
From: Marc Hoffman
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 00:22:27 GMT

At 01:43 PM 2/17/99 -0800, you wrote:
>I am glad to see that I am not the only beginner out here - to change
>the background go into modify-movie- change the color in there. Good
>luck and take care
Note you can only set the movie background color once. If you want to
change it in the course of the movie, the simplest technique is to create a
stage-size rectangle in the lowest layer and fill it with the color you
want. Learn to use Ctrl-k to make a rectangle that is centered and matches
the stage size -- a very handy technique.

Marc Hoffman
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com (mailto:marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com)
View my Flash3 work: <http://www.jps.net/dartfrog/sampler>.
Play a virtual marimba: <www.dartfrogmedia.com/dartfrog>.
Read about Flash: <http://www.jps.net/dartfrog/sampler/flashinf>

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  Re: FLASH: would like some basic info, Cathleen Rehfeld
  Re: FLASH: would like some basic info, Matt Powell

  Re: FLASH: would like some basic info, Fleep

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