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Subject: RE: [flasher] begin play after movie fully loaded?
From: Pradeep K. Nair
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 19:55:40 -0000

You'll need to use basic actionscript - just use the "if frame is loaded"
command. There are tons of preloader tutorials available for download at
http://www.were-here.com or http://www.flashkit.com, etc.

What it amounts to is having one frame say "if frame x is loaded, jump to frame
z" and then have frame y (which lies between x and z) to say "go to and play
frame x." That way, it will keep looping until the condition is true - at which
point it jumps to the first frame of the movie.

-Deep (just a guy)

# -----Original Message-----
# From: Renee Pearson [reneeatfertilepress [dot] com (mailto:reneeatfertilepress [dot] com)]
# Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 1:36 PM
# To: flasher from chinwag
# Subject: [flasher] begin play after movie fully loaded?
# hi!
# i've only completed two flash movies and haven't done any action scripting
# yet. my question is pretty basic.
# i would like my flash movie not to begin playback until it is completely
# loaded. is there a publish movie setting or option that will take care of
# this or do i need to use action scripting?
# thanks!
# renee pearson
# digital design :: illustration
# http://www.reneepearson.com
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