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Subject: Re: FLASH: Shockwave plugin arrived with Netscape 4.08
From: Byron Canfield
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 23:04:05 GMT

There is a new plug-in for Netscape, substantially larger, Shockwave 7, that
accommodates both DCR and SWF files, however, it is not the one that is
provided with current downloads of Netscape. That one is still the
Flash-specific plug-in version A separate plug-in is necessary to
view Director-generated Shockwave files, and that is why you were sent off the
the Macromedia site.

I believe downloads of Internet Explorer 5 include that same version
of Shockwave, but I don't think it is supplied with any earlier versions of

At 08:16 PM 1/31/99 +0000, you wrote:
> Today I put Netscape Navigator 4.08 on  one of our Macs that hadn't
> previously had a browser.  I was surprised to find that the Flash plugin
> was included in the download and have a couple of questions:
> 1.  Is the Flash plugin also "bundled" with an Internet Explorer download?
> 2.  Users only need 1 plugin to play Shockwave Director (.dcr) movies and
> Shockwave Flash (.swf) movies, correct?  But when the new browser reached
> my Shockwave Director pages, it went off to the Macromedia site and did
> another download.  Can anyone tell me why this happened?
> Thanks for any advice
> dave Cheseldine
> --
> David Cheseldine               | Email: d [dot] l [dot] cheseldineatbham [dot] ac [dot] uk
> Multimedia Developer           |
> Dept of Rheumatology           | Tel: +44-121-414-6787
> University of Birmingham       | FAX: +44-121-414-6794
> Birmingham B15 2TT UK

Byron Canfield, Canfield Studios (http://www.byronc.com)
President, Seattle Coreldraw Artists Network (http://www.corelsea.org)

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  FLASH: Shockwave plugin arrived with Net, d.l.cheseldine

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