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Subject: Flash and MAC IE
From: Sean Renet
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 04:19:50 -0000

I posted this question when this list first opened up and got a bunch of
facetious relpies like "Don't support Mac". I am not looking for that sort
of reply, I am actually looking for a solution if there is one. Here is the

On a pc loading variables into a flash movie is a simple process. However
for Netscape on a mac I seem to have to set a cookie and read it instead of
loading directly from a CF template and I have yet to find a way to get IE
on a mac to load variables. Anyone know if I am just doing this wrong?

eof = "0";
loadVariablesNum ("act_cftoken.cfm", 0, "POST");
gotoAndPlay ("Scene 1", "check");

FRAME 2 ("check")
if (eof=1) {
ifFrameLoaded (6) {
gotoAndStop ("Scene 1", 6);
} else if (eof=2) {
gotoAndStop ("Scene 1", "doh");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("check");

So basically what I am doing here is in the first frame I am loading the
variables from act_cftoken.cfm below which is basically just cfid and
cftoken. I use the variable eof just to tell me that everything else in the
string was read. Originally act_cftoken.cfm looked like this:

<cfinclude template="app_globals.cfm">
<cfsetting showdebugoutput="no">
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes">
<cfcontent type="text/plain">

but for some reason the same code that worked on a PC wouldn't work on a
mac, so I added setclientcookies to my cfapplication tag in app_gobals.cfm
and added a check for the cookie's variables of cfid and cftoken in my


<cfinclude template="app_globals.cfm">
<cfsetting showdebugoutput="no">
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes">
<cfcontent type="text/plain">
<cfif isdefined("cookie.cfid")>

.cftoken) #</cfoutput><cfoutput>&eof=1</cfoutput>
<cfelseif isdefined("client.cfid")>

.cftoken) #</cfoutput><cfoutput>&eof=1</cfoutput>

I decided to first look for a cookie since the MAC browsers didn't seem to
appreciate my client variables much. So now on the PC (both browsers) and
MAC Netscape (cookies enabled) flash loads the variables. And if cookies
were not enabled then I would check for client variables at least for PC
browsers where cookies were not enabled. This works fine on PC (both
browsers) and MAC Netscape as if the cookies are not enabled on MAC Netscape
I send them to FRAME 3 ("doh") which basically tells them they need to have
their cookies enabled. That is, if both of the checks for cfid fail I load
eof set to 2 which in the action script above sends them to FRAME 3. At the
end of the day, this works fine for everything except MAC IE. I finally
gave up and decided to browser check for MAC IE and send them to an DHTML
version if that is what they were using.

Anyone else run into this problem? Are flash's native binaries creating the
problem or am I just doing this ass backwards?

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