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Subject: RE: [flasher] music across swfs
From: JGL
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 15:06:10 -0000

If you replace a level 0 movie, it also wipes out anything that the originol
level 0 movie called, such as the loaded music at level 9

You'll need to load the interface at a different level than 0


-----Original Message-----
I have a projector (my intro movie), which imports music.swf into level 9,
at the end of the intro I import main.swf(my main interface) into level 0.
This all works fine, with the only problem being that the music stops when I
load my interface.

Maybe I'm wrong but shouldn't the music in level 9 play regardless of what
is in level 0???

Please help, approaching deadline.

Thanks in advance,


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