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Subject: IE3.01 for mac = NO FLASH?
From: Brent Wood
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 22:10:16 GMT

Hello all-

I have a BURNING question... why won't Internet Explorer 3.01 for
Macintosh play my Shockwave Flash movies in the browser from my hard disk?
Netscape Navigator 4.0 works just fine, and I am at a loss. When I view
Flashed sites on the Internet with Explorer, it works fine too. But when I
view webpages locally that I have designed myself, I get nothing. Is it
something in my html? Is it something in the way I am building/exporting
my Flash file?

I get "something", because my cursor turns into a hand, and the status bar
displays the URL link I have programmed into the button, but nothing shows
up on the screen. No button.

I will include my html, for those with sharp enough eyes. Could someone
take a look? Here goes:


<TITLE>This should work!</TITLE>
<!-- The OBJECT tag is used for ActiveX and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 -->
Here's where it should start.


width = 100% height = 100% >
<PARAM NAME="Movie" VALUE="newbutn.swf">
<PARAM NAME="Loop" Value="False">
<PARAM NAME="Play" Value="True">
<PARAM NAME="BGColor" Value="#000000">
<PARAM NAME="Quality" Value="autohigh">
<PARAM NAME="Scale" Value="showall">
<PARAM NAME="SAlign" Value="T">

<!-- The EMBED tag is used for the Netscape Navigator Plug-in -->
<EMBED src="newbutn.swf" type=application/x-shockwave-flash width = 100%
height =100%

Loop="False" Play="True" BGColor="#000000" Quality="Autohigh"
Scale="showall" SAlign="T"

<!-- The IMG tag is used for for all other browsers -->
nothing here.

Here's where it should end.

Thanks for any help!

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