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Subject: Re: FLASH: Mac memory req...help!
From: Michael Dunn
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 01:20:18 +0100

on 5/30/00 4.57p, Rick O'Shea wrote:

>I just want to know what these settings are
> and what they do. Are the settings of 2000 and 7000 correct or will I
> overload some machines? Please help.

This should be fine for most computers. Basically you're saying "Reserve 7MB
of memory to run this program. If you don't have that much, don't use any
less than 2MB"
> Also, as a am a Mac Newbie, crossing over from the land of Windows, can
> someone clarify...what is Virtual Memory & what does it do??

Virtual memory is a way to use hard disk space as RAM - don't do it. It's
really slow and some programs (like Photoshop) have their own disk access
scheme that interferes with virtual memory. Best to keep it off.

Hope that helps,

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  FLASH: Mac memory req...help!, Rick O'Shea

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