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Subject: RE: FLASH: Mac memory req...help!
From: Matt Perkins
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 15:23:03 +0100

> Also, as a am a Mac Newbie, crossing over from the land of Windows, can
> someone clarify...what is Virtual Memory & what does it do??

in the realm of windows, vm is a very important thing. we just call it a
swap file. windows 95, 98, nt, 2000 and prolly ME manage it for you beind
your back so you don't know it's there with out looking.
you can set it yourself how big it can get, how small and even which hard
drive it's on (you can speed it up by having windows use another physical
harddrive also)
basically, when you're doing something in windows and it's grinding the
harddrive (other than opening something or saving something) it's writing
the the swap file.

Matt Perkins :::solstice 6.5
> hfazeatvnet [dot] net
> http://hfaze.ice.org

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  Re: FLASH: Mac memory req...help!, Laura Mollett

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