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Subject: Re: FLASH: screen captures
From: David Gary
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 01:04:28 +0100

Curtis Bay wrote:

> Hi DG,
> This only applies to screen captures or other bitmaps with large areas
> of flat color, not photos or images with lots of gradients and
> dithering. I just ran a test on an 8-bit 1024x768 screen capture, once
> with Lossless compression and once with JPEG compression at 100.
> The original file size was 786k.
> The JPEG compressed file was 272k.
> The lossless compressed file was 17k.

Hiya Curtis,

Okie dokie.

Ive had problems in the past with "banding" due to the way flash
exports jpg.
Flash has a horrible way of handling gradients and photo-realistic images.
Setting to "Lossless" is the only way to get a quality image in swf format.
However this has always
been at a price in size, usually tripling the image size in swf.

If large flat color areas are used I would always advise using Flash's
vector instead of bmp.


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  RE: FLASH: screen captures, Curtis Bay

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