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Subject: UKNM: Re: Testing HTML Banners
From: Rod Begbie
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 20:35:00 GMT

Sam --

I don't want to worry you, but I think some mad troll has logged onto your
PC when you weren't looking, and is attempting to start the most pointless
flame-war this list has ever seen.


[Sam says: errr, no...that'll be me. I don't want a flame war, just an opinion from subscribers. Many hosting services use HTML email including banners at the bottom of messages to support the lists e.g. eGroups. So far, I've resisted the temptation to do this, I was wondering whether UKNM would think it was acceptable or otherwise. Interesting for me, but in wider terms provoking debate about marketing through mailing lists. I'll lie down now.]

mr. rod begbie groovymother @ sapient corporation
work: rbegbieatsapient [dot] com play: rodatbegbie [dot] com
vox: +1 (617) 761-1753 web: http://www.begbie.com/
fortified with thiamin and riboflavin

----- Original Message -----
From: samatchinwag [dot] com
To: uk-netmarketingatchinwag [dot] com
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 2:44 PM
Subject: UKNM: Testing HTML Banners

Hi Everyone... As you may have guessed I have a vested interest in this.
You're probably aware that I weed out any HTML or richly formatted emails
from the mailing list. In addition to saving space this also means the
digest function works properly and folks whose email programs encode
messages poorly can still read them OK. As part of the various upgrades
round here Chinwag will be getting a new list server with lots of useful
facilities, so would the banner at the bottom of this message annoy you? I'd
like to know what you think, particularly if you're reading this offline.
Let me know what you think... Toodle Pip Sam

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  UKNM: Testing HTML Banners, sam

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