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Subject: FW: Re. Merchant account by proxy
From: Emma Jeffs
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 17:32:17 -0000

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Emma Jeffs
> Sent: 24 January 2001 17:24
> To: 'nick [dot] horleyatvirgin [dot] net'; 'uk-netmarketingatkists [dot] chinwag [dot] com'
> Subject: Re. Merchant account by proxy
> Dear Nick,
> In addition to the services mentioned, try DataCash (www.datacash.com,
> strangely). It's independent ie. not affiliated to a bank and it has a
> different pricing structure to other PSPs like WorldPay - it charges a set
> amount per transaction as opposed to a percentage of the transaction.
> Good luck with the site!
> Emma

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