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Subject: No Subject
From: Anonymous
Date: Fri Jan 26 16:11:58 2001


Charlton Communications
Charlton House
Old Estate Yard
East Hendred
OX12 8LL

Tel: 01235 862585
Fax: 01235 862589

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sarah Clelland [SMTP:sarah [dot] clellandatsnowvalley [dot] com]
> Sent: 24 January 2001 09:51
> To: uk-netmarketing from chinwag
> Subject: [uk-netmarketing] RE: Strange!!
> This is sooo bad. I started off fearing it was a wind up and ended up
> fearing it wasn't. 'The latest explosion in hyperspace!' indeed.
> There are always people who think a successful pitch involves
> 1. finding the names of as many agencies as you can=20
> 2. getting them all to fill in a form=20
> 3. choosing between the ones who say they can do everything for =
> What they really need to ask for is proof of performing miracles with =

[Sam says: msg chopped]

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