Agile Software Technology Education TDD Test Driven Development CD Continuous Integration Continuous Development TD Scrum

The Digital Trinity

Free Lunch and Seminar on the cornerstones of a successful digital project.

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Date: 29 April 2014
Location: Valtech, UK

Uncle Bob Martin's Clean Code: Agile Software Craftsmanship

If you are Java/C#/C++ developers and want to improve your ability to contribute to your company and your team by writing better code then Uncle Bob Martin's Clean Code workshop is for!

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Date: 21 January 2012
Location: MWB Business Exchange, UK

Practical Agile Testing with Janet Gregory

If you want to learn what testing means on an agile team, then this is the course for you! All team members will benefit from understanding their contribution and the interaction with testers on the team. Test/QA and development managers who work with testers, will also find the course valuable.

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Date: 27 February 2013
Location: MWB Business Exchange, UK