andrew grill

SMW REWIND: Are You Being Served? Influence, Engagement, & Customer Service [video]


Fashion conscious consumers know what they want, when they want it, be it high street or haute couture. Social Media has facilitated fashionista's with a hub for conversations now its up to the brand to listen. The question is who to listen to? Who has real influence?

Is it the obvious: editors, fashion bloggers and trendsetters or are there different tribes? Can new influence tools like PeerIndexKlout or KRED unlock these groups or is it a case of knowing ‘who to know’?

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A Challenge And An Opportunity: An Interview With Andrew Grill, CEO, PeopleBrowsr UK


Internationally renowned speaker and CEO of PeopleBrowsr UK, Andrew Grill describes himself as “passionate about marketing.

He tells me he's been an advocate for using technology to connect people for around thirty years – through the current form of social media, amateur radio and even the original online bulletin board. “We've started to call it social media in the last few years,” he says, “it's really about communication.

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