Isabella Ramos' blog

Isabella is a freelance writer with a particular interest in the intersection of the move to a digital life and creativity. Because of this, she spends way too long staring at a screen.

A New Weapon for Combating Fraud: Gender Equality

Fraud Words and little man 2 by Mark Mathosian

Fraud is a very real consideration for businesses large and small across the UK, but new research shows gender equality in the boardroom might help fight its spread.

There are a seemingly limitless number of potential threats which prey on the smallest oversight or hint of corporate complacency, resulting in losses for the UK economy of over £85bn in the last year alone.

Fraud is in a constant state of evolution; for every scam identified, a new one is born which exploits a new weakness entirely.

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Outsourcing HR: The Benefits

Corporate HR departments are busy. Aside from personnel and recruitment they may deal with payroll, tax, training, legal compliance and more.

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The Top Ways to Land a Job in Digital Marketing

When it comes to job vacancies, some industries outperform others.

There's a crisis in youth employment, no question, but for some graduates struggling to find work, some simple steps could help.

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Hiring Unknowns: The Rise and Fall (and Rise and Fall) of Freelancer Marketplaces

Freelance marketplaces were supposed to funnel the working masses and the employers that need their services into the 21st century: as an employer, your reach is global, as a freelancer, your workplace location, your appearance, and in some cases your past work history, become irrelevant.

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