ThODI are hosting the first Annual Summit and Gala Dinner, Tues Oct 29 at the magnificent Museum of London. With the help of scintillating stories and spectacular speakers the summit will be a true celebration of the impact of Big Data on government, business and society.
Attendees will be able to explore the world of Open Data with the guidance of Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web and founder of the ODI. The summit will be co-hosted by co-founder and chair Sir Nigel Shadbolt and CEO Gavin Starks.
The day will take attendees on a fast paced ride of dynamic discussions, data visualisations and activities which will lead into the Gala Dinner. Drinks, 3 courses nestled in the heart of the Museum of London with guests having the opportunity to have a private wander through the incredible exhibitions.
Who’s coming? Organisations and individuals passionate about open data. They’re from startups, government, business and academia. They’re technologists, business people, strategists, policy makers. They’re creating new opportunity by opening up data and looking for new ways to engage in open data sharing.
Register your ticket now for an early-bird rate, as well as extra discounts for combined Summit & Gala Dinner tickets. ODI members receive complimentary tickets to both events.
Find out more how to become a member.
ister Now for Early-Bird Rates

The ODI are hosting the first Annual Summit and Gala Dinner, Tues Oct 29 at the magnificent Museum of London. With the help of scintillating stories and spectacular speakers the summit will be a true celebration of the impact of Open Data on government, business and society.
This intensive day of open data exploring will lead attendees into the world of Open Data.
Don't miss out on the pre-Summit Training on the 28th, discounted tickets available now.