Vote Now: 80+ British Sessions Proposed in SXSW Panel Picker
I'm pretty sure it happens earlier each year, but maybe it's age. Policemen are all looking younger, too. The annual 'vote for me' fest that is the SXSW Panelpicker has opened its doors.
This year sees over 80 panels submitted from this side of the Atlantic from organisations big and small including the BBC, Iris Worldwide, FutureGov, TechHub, BBC, PeerIndex, mydeco, Somethin' Else, Madgex, Clearleft, The Economist and heaps more.
And they need your votes...SXSW has some form for companies arguably having been the launchpad for Twitter and FourSquare previously. Getting a panel included in the programme can be a big benefit - and in addition to the fame, a platform to speak their minds, speakers also get a free pass to the conference.
The process gives the public a say in the programming of the SXSW Interactive festival which takes place in Austin, Texas (9-12 March 2012). Last year, well over 1,000 Brits made the trip making up a total of nearly 20,000 conference delegates.
If you're interested in attending SXSW and haven't made plans already, we're looking in to group trips to SXSW as well as Le Web later this year. Let us know if you're interested here.
Here's our, hopefully, comprehensive list of panels submitted by Brits for SXSW Interactive 2012 - in the highly likely event that we've missed a panel, please leave a note in the comments and we'll sort it out.
Not Your Average G-Men - Delivering
by Dominic Campbell - FutureGov Organized Chaos: User generated content design
by Nico Perez - Mixcloud Crossroads of Technology and Humanitarian Action
by Julie Whitaker - Doctors Without Borders Storywarp! Telling tales in ads, journalism + film
by Sara Williams - Made by Many Wearable Tech: Prêt-a-Porter to Prêt-a-Printer?
by Odette Valentine - Brunel University, London Responsive Design - Love all the devices
by paul duncan - BBC The Jet Stream Methodology
by Roger Jones - Roehampton University Game My Brand
by Tim Jones - BBH Touch Publishing: iPad, design, tech & ecosystem
by Davide Casali - Headshift | Dachis Group Personalization vs. Privacy: A false choice?
by David Maher Roberts - The Filter Klouted judgment: Credit score vs. social status
by Max Niederhofer - Qwerly Blogsurdity #1: "What __Teach Us About __" Posts
by Jed Hallam - VCCP Managing online reputation at the BBC
by Sophie Brendel - BBC The Not So Allied Forces of Social TV Comedy
by Will Saunders - BBC Biofeedback for the human or is that the Borg?
by Gawain Morrison - Filmtrip Hey you! Get off of myspace!
by Hermione Way - The Next Web and Newspepper The Social Mobile Revolution
by gareth davis - Facebook Global UX: beyond language, location and culture.
by James Offer - BBC World Service RTFManga: Comics & Games for Software Users
by Ultan O'Broin - Oracle Corporation (Ireland) Second Screen: TV Meets The Web Backchannel
by Utku Can - Mint Digital Man up ladies, or you don't stand a chance
by Sue Black - UCL Freud, Duchamp and art of UX
by nicolas roope - poke SXSW in 3D: Intersection of Film, Music, Digital
by Sir William Sargent - Framestore CSS for Grown Ups: Maturing best practises
by Andy Hume - Clearleft The Wisdom of Thieves: Meaning in P2P Behavior
by Ben Fields - Semetric Fluent in 3 months: Rapid Language Hacking
by Benny Lewis - Fluent in 3 months Everyone's Interactive But Who's Paying?
by Heather Croall - Sheffield Doc/Fest Your Story Sucks! Saving Story In The Digital Age
by James Mitchell - BBH Labs Open Art, Open Audiences - The Edinburgh Festivals
by Kath Mainland - Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society Second Screen is the Next Big Thing you cannot own
by Simon Doggett - ITV 2-Screen TV: Learnings from UK case studies
by Jason Mitchell - The Connected Set Rednecks go social. Farming 2.0
by Darren Smith - Growington Can’t read? We’ve got an app for that!
by Neil Gallagher - Caped Koala Can SXSW Become An Internet Meme?
by Jon Burkhart - iris Worldwide's Urgent Genius HQ The social disease. How the mighty rise. And fall
by Eileen Burbridge - Passion Capital World Domination: New Media for Global Events
by Alex Balfour - London Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paraolympic Games (London 2012) Dude where's my bike? Tracking cycle theft online
by Jamie Unwin - Kitsite Riding the Hype Cycle - An Irregular Guide
by Phil Dearson - The Marketing Store London Socially Mapping the 2012 London Olympics
by Charlie Lyons - Beyond Creating The Code: A BBC transmedia documentary
by Adrian Hon - Six to Start What’s the holy grail of social/mobile/local?
by Kim Lovely - Lonely Planet Making Drupal Go Faster
by Kevin Prince - NPC Digital Limited Online to Offline Fame: A Comedic/Scientific Study
by Jon Burkhart - Iris Worldwide's Urgent Genius HQ Madmen vs mad scientists
by Colette Ballou - Ballou PR Influence and the Art of Data Science
by Azeem Azhar - PeerIndex The Future of Content Monetization and Publishing
by Murray Newlands - audience mindshare Breaking down walls, a decentralised social web?
by Gavin Bell - Skynet vs Mad Max: Battle For The Future
by Mel Exon - BBH Labs Playing the City London's Gamified Transport
by Toby Barnes - Mudlark / Chromaroma Multiplayer Work: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?
by JP Rangaswami - Always Fresh: Web Communities of Long-Term Value
by Nadav Poraz - Freakin' fast Cassandra: how do they do it?
by Tim Moreton - Acunu Building Digital Products with Passionate Users
by Matthew Hawn - Can social media restore consumer trust in brands?
by Nathan McDonald - We Are Social The Meaning of Like (and the funnel of love)
by Jemima Garthwaite - POKE London My Mom Plays That: How Women Game-Change Gaming
by Claire Coady - BBH Labs Growing Digital Ecosystems
by Matt Mason - Syrup LLC Sneak Innovation Into Your Company in 5 Easy Steps
by Ramsey Khoury - Head London Secret to Building Successful Online Communities
by Craig Hepburn - Nokia Silicon Roundabout: Can the UK really compete?
by Elizabeth Varley - TechHub The Future of Retail From a Social Perspective
by Nicole Vanderbilt - mydeco The Real World X- Community Management
by Anna OBrien - Greenlight The Death of Commissioning Content
by Paul Bennun - Somethin' Else The New Aesthetic: Seeing like digital devices
by James Bridle - Really Interesting Group Can printed electronics save the music industry?
by Jon Rogers - University of Dundee Alternative Professional Development Networks
by Sue Beckingham - Sheffield Hallam University Beyond Ads: Big Data Meets Enterprise Social Graph
by Ben White - Bite Communications How Independent Publishing Can Change the World
by Danny Miller - The Church of London How did we get digital marketing so wrong?
by Mike Teasdale - Harvest Digital Repopulating Reefs: Activating Digital Ecosystems
by Matt Mason - Syrup NYC (LBi Group) The Emotional Shopper: Results from the UK study
by Wendy Lanchin - The Marketing Store Taking Online Communities Offline
by Sarah Drinkwater - Qype UK Thank You, Wow & Done: The 3 only metrics you need
by Arie Moyal - Self-employed Castle: Taming Big Data with brains, not braun
by Tom Wilkie - Acunu Self-hacking: self-knowledge & data literacy
by Adriana Lukas - London Quantified Self meetup group Beyond the page, web apps
by Glenn Jones - Madgex The Ad Agency Versus The Kid In The Bedroom
by Jonathan Plackett - BETC London Web Project Management Lessons from Darth Vader
by Sam Barnes - Global Personals Social Media Influence: We call bullshit.
by Kevin Marks - Tummelvision All Our Yesterdays: The Coming Digital Dark Age
by Jeremy Keith - Clearleft User Experience Design: The Bill Hicks way
by Ian Fenn - Chopstix Media Limited Do we need product management in an agile world?
by Audra Martin - The Economist online
Mixing real-life & virtual. Fish & chip networks.
by Bill Munday - Blendology
Brand Funded Content - does it work?
by Ralph Cochrane - the creative grid
Does crowdsourcing for brands work?
by Ralph Cochrane - loudSource (IT International Solutions Ltd)
How to Mashup Creative & Technology for Innovation
by Shane Casey at Mason Zimbler
The Library Has Left The Building: Mobile 3.0!
by Sara Wingate Gray - The Itinerant Poetry Library
Maximising Your Thinking Time in Experience Design
by Tim Caynes - Foolproof
Performance and Technology: Keeping Arts Alive
by Conor Roche - Roundhouse
Why Karl keeps his shades on: style & social media
by Angela Buttolph - Grazia
Leveraging Content Distribution to Get Customers
by Alexander Will - Bullseyehub
Enthusiastic Customer Seeks Exciting New Product
by Martina Schell - UX Tuesday
Creative Social: Where do old creatives go to die?
by Mark Todd - Renegade Media
If you're wondering how the process works, the SXSW organisers have more information on their site about the Panelpicker process, and the percentage of the decision made up by the public vote.
To keep up-to-date with Digital Missions, group trips and other international and digital news, why not check out our newsletters, or follow @chinwag and @digitalmission.
Photo (cc) Dave Mathis
Where do old Creative go to die?
We've also put one in entitled 'Where do old Creatives go to die?" -
P.s. Creative Social set up by two Brits
Here's one more - Surely we can make it to 100?
I've submitted a session on UX tips for startups:
Your votes are much appreciated!
Thanks for taking the time to discuss about this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic.
Great round up - and one more!
Hi there,
Great round up, but you've missed us here at Spoonfed Media/Bullseyehub. We really enjoyed speaking at SXSW in 2010 and hope to have another opportunity with our panel: Content Distribution to Get Customers (
If you have a chance to add it to your list we'd really appreciate it! Best of luck to all the UK entries.
With all this great content coming out of the UK couldn't we have a little mini UK version of SXSW? Obviously we can't replicate the weather... especially today...
Almost all these ideas (even mine!) are better than most of the dull case-study led stuff we get stuck with at UK conferences.
Made it to 90!
Thanks to the latest additions from @Conor @luxlux - the number of British panels submitted to SXSW's panelpicker has reached 90. Now just a matter of getting those votes in!
Another Entry
Great list, please find below a link to another UK entry:
Performance and Technology: Keeping Arts Alive
Love the list, great to see so many Brit panels. Here's one more to add to the list:
It's about social media, fashion, buying psychology and the mysterious art of 'looking expensive'...
Thanks much, and good luck to everyone with a panel in the running
The British are coming
Hi Sam,
One more to add to that list:
It's actually mine, so, being British, I'm terribly embarrassed to be pointing it out myself.
Self-Effacement is the British Way
@Tim - totally with you on that front, but fear not, it's good to get some practice on self-promotion if you're planning to head out to the US. Can't afford to be shy!
UK panel entry
You've missed out the library! [shock horror LOL]
It's a UK-born library, with a UK-born librarian, but clearly technically as a world travelling library it doesn't just hang out in the UK all the time.
Please give us the thumbs-up innit.
No Library Fines, I Hope
@Librarian - I was always in trouble with the librarians at college, and it looks like nothing has changed ;-) Sorry it got missed out, just added the panel to the list...takes the total to a wonderfully palindromic (is that a word?) 88 panels from the British contingent.
Library fine = poem our
Library fine = poem our library...check the ByeByeLaws for full explication
Clearly those librarians did a good job though & taught you a verbal trick [tic p'rhaps?] or two...
Meantime, chiz!
Another UK panel entry from Mason Zimbler
Great list, here's another panel from my friends at Mason Zimbler in Bristol
How to Mashup Creative & Technology for Innovation
Thanks, added that one
@Ian, thanks, they're duly added to the list. That makes it 87 panels now!
sorry Sam, on How to Mashup
sorry Sam, on How to Mashup Creative & Technology for Innovation can you change the name and company to Shane Casey at Mason Zimbler ( since Andrew Hansen at Harte-Hanks is the *American* colleague organising it. Cheers!
@Ian - no worries, these are the important details. Duly updated.
Sorry we missed it...
@Clair - thanks for that, sorry for missing, I started to go a bit screen blind after the first couple of thousand panels. I've added your panel to the list above.
Another UK panel entry
Thanks for the's great to see all these entries from fellow brits. Please can you add:
Mixing real-life & virtual. Fish & chip networks.
Many thanks and good luck to all.