Digital Mission to NYC '10 - Companies
Congratulations to the companies selected for this year's legendary Digital Mission to New York 2010.
Digital Mission is organised by Chinwag and UK Trade & Investment (UKTI), enabling digital companies to expand into overseas markets and attract investment outside the UK.
The list includes contact details for each of the companies, so please do get in touch. Blog/press-friendly versions are available below.
Digital Mission NYC 2010 Companies
- Adversion
- Amaze plc
- BrightLemon Ltd
- Casual Films
- Cube
- Eresponse Media
- HuzuTech
- Lingo24 Ltd
- Livestation
- Nuji
- Plancentric
- Realeyes Data Services Ltd
- Red Glasses
- ShoutEm UK
- Thrive Digital
- ustwo
- Videojuicer
- Waspit Ltd
- We Are Social
richardadversion [dot] co [dot] uk (Richard Dyke)
Adversion, as its name suggests, is in the business of creating international versions of advertising in all media for global brands and agencies. Adversion brings considerable experience and leading edge technology to this process which offers cost savings, global visibility and brand consistency to clients. Adversion has particular expertise in digital versioning and indeed creative origination of flash banners, websites & video.
Rod [dot] Hydehasgrove [dot] com (Rod Hyde)
Amaze is a leading pan-European marketing and technology company with digital in our DNA.
We offer a broad range of services including digital strategy and communications, web design and build, web based business solutions, online advertising, search, social media, online reputation management, eCRM, mobile, user experience, analytics and managed services in addition to traditional marketing services including PR.
Amaze advises clients on digital strategy and how to develop and maintain a consistent, multi-faceted digital presence that remains true to the brand and its audience - rather than beholden to the next ‘new thing’ be that a new social tool or technology. This is informed by a deeper understanding of technology and human behaviour resulting in original thinking.
We have expertise in delivering complex multi-lingual digital solutions at both a pan European and Global level for leading organisations including Bridgestone, Coca-Cola, Dyson, Henri Lloyd, Lexus, Logicalis, Sage, Siemens Enterprise Communications and Toyota. Our solutions are in 35+ countries, 4 continents and 28+ languages.
In addition to being ranked 15th in the UK's Top 100 Interactive Agencies by New Media Age, Amaze was ranked 5th in the website design and build category. Amaze has offices in London, the North West of England, Belfast and Brussels.
leonbrightlemon [dot] com (Leon Tong)
Our bespoke social networks create significant user communities - our largest is currently 120,000 strong - all with similar interests and needs, and all with detailed user profiles enabling them to receive targeted information. Imagine 120,000 people all with a specific and active interest in your product, service or cause...
We have successfully created and maintain online community projects for the UK Arts Council, British Council, the UK Department of Education, Amnesty International, Tate Modern, Victoria & Albert Museum and the United Nations. Our networks represent over 1,250,000 users in 18 countries and have been featured in the finals of both the BIMA and BETT Awards. Two of our social networking case studies are featured by and our training courses are recommended by
Casual Films
barnabycasualfilms [dot] com (Barnaby Cook)
When we, Barnaby Cook and Nick Francis, founded Casual Films in 2006 we had a camcorder, a laptop and an idea. We believed the large, expensive crews traditionally used in film production were unnecessary when producing content for the Internet. Working creatively, with a meticulous eye for detail, we set to work changing the preconceptions of our clients.
From this initial model the company has diversified and expanded, and although we now regularly use sophisticated production set-ups we have retained our founding ethos. Because of this we guarantee you will be surprised by the level of production quality we can achieve on even a limited budget.
Casual Films’ ability to handle the entire production in- house makes commissioning online video easier than ever. Whatever your requirement, our multi-award- winning team will treat your ideas with respect, translating them to video confidently and efficiently.
cubeinteractive [dot] co [dot] uk (Wil Stephens)
Cube is a BAFTA award-winning digital production company that works with broadcasters and brands to deliver engaging, interactive entertainment experiences. We create online hits, mobile apps and games across all digital media platforms.
Cube is a leading provider of interactive, digital content and services to major brands, including BBC, Channel 4, ITV, Domino Records and Microsoft. It has recently launched CITVʼs biggest brand, Horrid Henry online and developed social games for Microsoft as part of its recent Windows 7 launch.
Cube’s experience of extending existing brands to online through games, interactive websites and mobile apps, and expertise in monetizing content online has lead it to work with major kids brands in developing long-term and innovative online solutions. This work has lead Cube to launch two new kids gaming services for major broadcasters including S4C.
Eresponse Media
farnazeresponsemedia [dot] co [dot] uk (Farnaz Khan)
Eresponse Media Ltd is an award winning company which generates high quality opt-in consumer leads, increasing sales and generating profit for our clients. Our services range from email marketing, lead generation to list broking and list management.
eResponse media Ltd are media owners, we manage and own one of the biggest free to enter competition publisher in the UK. hosts a range of tasteful prizes from cars, cash, holidays to the latest gadgets on the web. The site promotes ethical permission based marketing connecting advertisers to consumers and has over 1,000,000 registered opted in members. Advertisers can utilise the Prizeboom platform by hosting lead generation campaigns, building their databases and solus email campaigns all on a non incentivised basis. Our Datashare affinity platform has the ability to generate 100k opt ins per month in the UK and millions more Globally. So if you have a requirement to grow your subscribers quickly then speak to us.
Our Email consumer opt-in pool has a staggering reach of 20 million consumers online in the UK, that’s a reach of 1 in 4 people, 25% of the UK’s household! We can also handle any international requirements and reach millions more Globally! All data has been collected in accordance with the EC directive and best practice guidelines issued by the DMA.
graeme [dot] harveyhuzutech [dot] com (Graeme Harvey)
HuzuTech is a social media software company. It licenses its social media platform, HuzuSocial, and virtual world platform, HuzuVirtual, to brands and agencies, for a fraction of the cost of building the technology themselves. Both HuzuSocial and HuzuVirtual are white label products and can be fully customised for each brand. Both platforms interoperate seamlessly with each other providing brands with an extensible and scalable technology platform.
Feature highlights:
HuzuSocial: profiles, forums, video, blogs, picture galleries, friends network, and Facebook integration.
HuzuVirtual: customisable virtual worlds; avatar builders; fully interactive environment and quests; 2.5D worlds; scalability; Flash 10 compatibility; parental controls; moderation; social network (HuzuSocial); and virtual shopping.
christian [dot] arnolingo24 [dot] com (Christian Arno)
Lingo24 is a global translations company with operations in North America, Europe and Australasia. With hubs spread across multiple time-zones, we offer genuine round the-clock coverage. We’ve always been very connected to technology – in fact, we were the first translation company to market entirely online, way back in 2001, and we’re now embracing cloud-based technologies to streamline workflows and be more efficient overall. With the adoption of the revolutionary new translation management technology XTM, and with some of the best technological minds in the localisation industry on board, we’re forging new ground for the translation industry.
daniel [dot] adamslivestation [dot] com (Daniel Adams)
Livestation is the destination for live TV news online. Livestation works with over 30 leading news broadcasters from around the world to deliver viewers the broadest selection of live news coverage in one place on
Broadcasters on Livestation include BBC, CNN, Bloomberg, Al Jazeera, CNBC and many others. FOR VIEWERS: Livestation offers all the top news channels around the world in one place, viewers can watch the latest TV news wherever they are. FOR BROADCASTERS: Broadcasters can distribute their channels on multiple platforms in high quality on a wide range of internet connected devices. FOR ADVERTISERS: Livestation can offer exposure to an audience of 2 million monthly unique viewers through pre-roll, sponsorship and other advertising formats.
deannuji [dot] com (Dean Fankhauser)
Nuji is a social shopping platform that helps people remember, share and get great deals on real-world products. With Nuji you can ʻtagʼ a product by scanning its barcode or search for it by keyword using your mobile phone. All tagged products are synced in real-time with your account at, helping you to remember the product.
Nuji is social, so everything you discover can be shared with people that follow you, making it a very powerful product discovery engine. You receive Nuji Influence points whenever one of your followers add a product you have tagged, making the service more addictive to use and products very viral. Once we gain traction, we will offer coupon deals based on where you are and what youʼve just tagged.
mpsplancentric [dot] com (Matthew Scherba)
Plancentric is new software based approach for businesses that plan and manage professional resources in the real world. A world of constantly changing priorities and activities, where software with structure and rigidity doesn’t easily adapt, and can hinder creativity. A world where budgets, costs and progress shouldn't be an illusion. A tool that allows you to better manage the here and now, while flexibly planning for the future.
Realeyes Data Services
mihkelrealeyesit [dot] com (Mihkel Jäätma)
Realeyes is the Google Analytics of Eye Movements.
Realeyes collects eye movement data to provide insight into the mind of the consumer. Eye-tracking goes beyond clicks and mouse data to reveal the whole interaction with any media. Unlike traditonal surveys and interviews it is completely objective. It's simply the best way to measure and analyze consumer response.
We provide largest samples, fastest delivery and most actionable analysis, as recognized by most demanding clients in the industry. Central database, proprietary software and process automation ensure cost efficiency and scalability of our solution.
Realeyes improves advertising and optimizes web design - 2/3 of our work is from happy repeat customers, including Fortune 500 brands, leading publishers and research agencies.
Red Glasses
adam [dot] m [dot] s [dot] martingooglemail [dot] com (Adam Martin)
Red Glasses designs and builds high-end mobile apps for media and corporate clients - iPhone, iPad, and Android.
Many of our team come from the videogames industry - designers, programmers, and artists - and we specialize in using videogame techniques to inform the design of mainstream apps.
From decades of experience in creative development in the games industry, we've settled on pure Scrum for all our projects. This gives clients unparalled access, input, and insight into the development of their own apps, while leaving us the freedom to do what we do best.
ShoutEm UK
shoutem [dot] com (Viktor Marohnic)
We partner with the world's most vibrant online communities to power their local, mobile and social evolution.
Existing online communities, bloggers or fan clubs now can have their own engaging and fun mobile apps.
With mobile apps built on ShoutEm they can reach new audience and follow the fast growing trend of mobile internet usage.
Thrive Digital
andrewthrivedigital [dot] com (Andrew Fawcett-Wolf)
Thrive Digital is a specialist boutique commercial consultancy that’s focussed on results and delivery for its clients. Thrives principle and founder Andrew Fawcett-Wolf has been helping US digital media and advertising technology companies come to the UK/Europe for over twenty years including the likes of CMGi (AltaVista), AudienceScience, CMP Media, CNET, Rovi (Macrovision), Bunchball, Operative etc Localised services offered include Sales & Marketing, Legal, HR, Corporate Governance and general management support / advice.
Julesustwo [dot] co [dot] uk (Julian Ehrhardt)
ustwo™ is a digital design studio that delivers pioneering user experiences as digital partner to the world’s leading brands including Sony, Sony Ericsson, Intel, H&M, BBC, Turner & JPMorgan. Specialising in UI/UX design, app development & content creation the ustwo™ studio designs multi-platform experiences across Mobile, Tablet, TV and beyond. Driven by its 'love digital' mission, ustwo™ creates engaging relationships between brands, devices and their end users.
Independently owned and located in London, UK and in Malmö, Sweden; ustwo™ brings the very best in digital design and innovation to a range of markets including mobile, consumer electronics, retail, entertainment, medical and financial.
ustwo™ is in active planning for the opening of its first US studio in 2011 and welcomes discussions with potential clients, project & business partners and new studio members.
ericvideojuicer [dot] com (Eric Lindstrom)
Videojuicer enables brands and agencies to take control of their online presence, engage audiences with interactive social video, and instantly convert viewers into customers. With clients like Burberry, the Telegraph Media Group, and, Videojuicer is one of the new wave of companies defining the creative potential for transaction-based media.
Videojuicer is a video technology and services company that provides a scalable online platform that enables publishers large and small to upload, syndicate, analyze and monetize video content. Its innovative promotion engine goes beyond standard ad placement and enables revenue and lead generation within the context of the embedded video player.
Marketers can leverage the viewer’s emotional connection with the content by immediately presenting and transacting offers, avoiding high abandonment associated with link redirection. Videojuicer provides everything needed, even the vision to help create compelling content, to develop vibrant video-centric communities with live video or content on demand on the web and mobile applications.
richard [dot] steggallwaspit [dot] com (Richard Steggall)
Waspit is a unique and competitive mobile payment platform that allows its users to pay for almost anything they could want using their mobile phone. Recently Waspit announced its contactless payment solution (BuzzPay™) which will enable its users to simply waive their mobile phone (old or new) over any of the MasterCard PayPass terminals around the world.
Having only completed a soft launch of its core service in London during the 2010 summer, two pilot programs have seen 32,000 active customers use Waspit.
Consumers see real value in mobile commerce yet until now there hasn’t been a simple, secure and unified mobile payment solution aimed at anything other than micro-payments. Waspit derives revenue primarily from its merchants as well as from the acquiring banks. Its revenue model is simple and mostly transaction based. As consumer demand explodes, Waspit expect the average NFC spend will increase to circa USD$15.00 over the next 24 months.
The founders of Waspit have an extensive knowledge of the market and have been operating in the Mobile Applications Sector since 2004. They are passionate about taking this new service to the ‘tweens’ and ‘early adaptors’ to fill a niche hole in this evolving sector.
We Are Social
nathan [dot] mcdonaldwearesocial [dot] net (Nathan McDonald)
We Are Social is a specialist social media agency with offices in London, Paris, Milan and Sydney. We help brands to listen, understand and engage in conversations in social media.
Our multi-lingual team works with clients worldwide on local, regional and global projects in three key practice areas: Consultancy, Research & Insight, and Engagement.
We help you understand the impact that social media is having on your organisation and work with you to implement the changes that need to be made as a result.
By listening to conversations throughout social media relevant to your brand, products, services, competitors and sector, we help you understand the underlying issues and sentiments, the influencers driving the conversations and insights that can inform what actions to take as a result.
We help you engage in social media by having meaningful conversations with people and igniting positive word of mouth amongst influential individuals and communities.
In each of these areas, we combine our deep understanding of brands and marketing communications with strategic, creative and technology skills, underpinned with an innate sensibility for social media.