Mobile Advertising UK
Event Info
Mobile Advertising UK is a one-day conference designed to unveil the results of a UK specific research project carried out by Every Single One Of Us and AEneas Strategy into the mobile advertising market. The event and research will cut through the hype surrounding the mobile advertising industry, giving a clear and true representation of the state of the current market as well as highlighting key industry strategies to stimulate mobile advertising revenue growth. The research will include in-depth interviews with mobile executives, advertising agencies and mobile network operators in addition to consumer surveys.
The event will bring together 150 of the most influential executives in the UK mobile advertising industry and is THE must attend event for brands, agencies, operators, content providers and players in the mobile industry seeking to generate revenues from mobile advertising.
Confirmed speakers senior representatives from:
OPERATORS: Vodafone, Telefonica O2, 3 UK, Orange, T-Mobile
AGENCIES: Mediacom, Mindshare, Mediaedge:cia, Ogilvy, Unanimis, Sponge, Inside Mobile, ringring, AKQA Mobile, RGA
TECHNOLOGY EXPERTS: Alcatel-Lucent, adfortel
PUBLISHERS: Thomson Reuters, Trinity Mirror