Mobile Inspiration Day

Event Info

Mon 8 Jul, 2013 from 9:15am - 12:45pm
Cardinal Place, 80-100 Victoria Street
London, SW1E 5JL, UK
Cost: £95 + VAT for IPA members, £150 + VAT for non-members and £50 + VAT for students.


Back by popular demand, the IPA Mobile Inspiration Day is returning for the second year. 

The event will focus on how mobile is changing consumer behaviour, reveal key insights into mobile phone usage, and keep attendees informed of the latest advances in mobile.

Mobile Inspiration Day will help you make sense of this complex space and better understand how mobile can help to achieve business objectives.


09:35 Opening keynote: how mobile is changing consumer behaviour - Dave Coplin, Chief Envisioning Officer, Microsoft

10:00 Current technology trends - Ilicco Elia, Head of Mobile, LBi

10:25 IPA TouchPoints - Mobile Passive Measurement - Belinda Beeftink, Associate Media Research Director, IPA

11:00 Interactive workshops 
This session will be divided into four mobile categories, each showcasing best case examples from around the world that have successfully deployed mobile in that category.

1. FMCG: Google

2. Retail: Simon Hathaway, President, Shopper Marketing & Retail Operations, Cheil Worldwide

3. Finance: Nadya Powell, Client Partner & Chief Innovation Officer, Dare 

4. Alcoholic beverages: Steve Parker, Head of Planning, Lean Mean Fighting Machine

12:15 Closing keynote: Future trends - Arif Haq, Senior Consultant, Contagious

12:40 Lunch and networking