West Coast Wired Cumbria – Business Collaborative Networking (Free Event)
Event Info
Building on the success at Penrith, Kendal, Ulveston and Carlisle the Wired Cumbria team are keen to announce the first collaborative business networking event for the Creative and Digital Network on the Cumbria West Coast.
The Cockermouth Wired Cumbria event will be held at the The Coffee Kitchen in partnership with folks at Cockermouth Jelly.
The event is designed to attract 30+ business owners and freelancers working across the Cumbria West Coast, whilst targeting digital and creative to link Cockermouth. Keswick, Whitehaven and Workington and possibly business from Carlisle / Penrith businesses.
We would like to invite you to a busy night of facilitated networking where you will meet business owners and freelancers looking forward to "do business" rather than listen to sales pitches!! Instead the event will be an occasion to explore business opportunities, outsourcing options, matching up with freelancers or getting to explore alliances between complementary agencies over a cold glass of beer / wine or hot coffee. And a butty or two.....
Wired Cumbria is a ‘purely’ facilitated networking event, aimed at providing individual delegates with a bespoke number of introductions to business matched against their needs...as well as the event’s own list of Calls for Collaborations generated by the registered delegates
This is a free event, and there will be a free bar and refreshments.
For more information please contact Leswiredcumbria [dot] co [dot] uk%20%20%20%20or%20%20%20immy
wiredcumbria [dot] co [dot] uk ( or immy
wiredcumbria [dot] co [dot] uk).
To book your place: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cumbria-digital-creative-network-west-coast-wired-cumbria-cockermouth-tickets-11789000217
The Wired Cumbria events are part of the Cumbria Rural Growth Network / Cumbria Business Growth Hub activities aimed at supporting the Digital, Creative and ICT sector in Cumbria.
To find out more about how you can benefit from Cumbria Business Growth
Hub, call 0844 257 84 50, email infocumbriagrowthhub [dot] co [dot] uk or visit