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Subject: | loading |
From: | Jim Curry |
Date: | Fri, 24 Apr 1998 11:23:31 +0100 |
I'd like to click a button which loads a new movie which is just a
soundtrack while also moving the current movie to the next scene which
has a movieclip of dancers. the net result would be two files playing
at once: The dancers and the oother is the soundtrack. This way the
sound file will not be with the main file and keep an already bloated
file size down. How can I do this with one click of a button? I tried
and only the sound file loaded and played. the swf file at the "0"
level didn't change scenes.
Jim Curry :-)
Virtual Curry
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sound streaming, Jim Curry
RE: Wait for frame, waiting longer., Andrew Timberlake
Re: Wait for frame, waiting longer., Dave Smith
plug-in version?, Dave Smith
Re: plug-in version?, John Croteau
Re: plug-in version?, Dave Smith
Re: plug-in version?, John Croteau
Re: plug-in version?, Dave Smith
Re: plug-in version?, Jim Curry
Re: plug-in version?, Dave Smith
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