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Subject: | Re: sound streaming |
From: | Colin Moock |
Date: | Fri, 24 Apr 1998 15:10:59 +0100 |
2 possibilities I can think of:
1) Use Flash 3. Would be fairly easy.
2) In Flash 2, if you're willing to exclude the Win3.1 and Mac 68K
audiences, you could use FSCommand to control the sound movie while
jumping around in the first movie. Just stack them both on one page,
then use "Get URL and Goto" to move the timeline in the first movie out
of the dancer scene, while also starting a JavaScript that points to a
frame in the sound movie with a "Stop All Sounds" action.
Your JavaScript would look something like this:
//FSCommand passes (command,args). We catch
//them to call this function and
//to specify which frame the sound movie
//should jump to. Saves hard-coding
function setbuttons(framenumber){
//Refer to the embedded movie as "soundmovie", set using
slightly different syntax
//depending on the browser.
var InternetExplorer = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft")
!= -1;
var soundmovie = InternetExplorer ? window.buttons :
//Ask Flash how much for the amount of the movie already
var pl = soundmovie.PercentLoaded();
//Wait until the whole movie is loaded.
while(pl < 100){
pl = soundmovie.PercentLoaded();
//Now that enough of the movie is safely loaded,
//send it to the desired frame in the timeline.
//Use alert for testing purposes.
alert('Now setting buttons frame to: ' + (framenumber + 1));

>This is a follow up to my earlier posting> Th esound of dancing music I
>want is set up to stream, but when I want to cllick out of the dance
>hall, the music plays on until its done even if I am in another scene.
>How can I avoid this? I set it up to stream for a while with loops in
>the sound file so as to have no abrupt stops and starts in the sound
>while its playing. Any ideas?
>Jim Curry :-)
>Virtual Curry
>"A nice place to unwind on the internet"
>gif and flash animations,
>illustrations, music and more

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Re: sound streaming, Colin Moock
RE: Wait for frame, waiting longer., Andrew Timberlake
Re: Wait for frame, waiting longer., Dave Smith
plug-in version?, Dave Smith
Re: plug-in version?, John Croteau
Re: plug-in version?, Dave Smith
Re: plug-in version?, John Croteau
Re: plug-in version?, Dave Smith
Re: plug-in version?, Jim Curry
Re: plug-in version?, Dave Smith
loading, Jim Curry
sound streaming, Jim Curry
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