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Subject: Tell Target Flash 3 question: Pausing a scrolling screen
From: Marjorie Alexander
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 19:35:05 +0100

Using Flash 3, exporting a Flash 3 site.

I want to have a panel of text (a movie clip) move slowly down the
screen. I want the viewer to be able to pause/stop this moving panel at
their discretion, then have this panel resume it's scrolling downward.

I have been playing with the Tell Target feature in my Flash 3 Beta and
it's not working. Have looked all over for help, no help has surfaced.

Sure I can create a similar result with a series of buttons, but this
scroll feature would be much cooler.

Any Tell Target help out there? (The online Beta help is very limited in
it's Tell Target assistance.)

Thanks again group,

Boulder, CO
random thoughts (Voted one of Colorado's Top 100 Web Sites)
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  Re: Tell Target Flash 3 question: Pausin, John Croteau
  Re: Tell Target Flash 3 question: Pausin, Jim Curry

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