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Subject: | RE: FLASH: locate duplicate clips ? |
From: | mark |
Date: | Fri, 28 Apr 2000 14:56:21 +0100 |
How about making an array up, of 1's and 0's when you destroy when set its
corresponding element in the array to 0. Then when you are doing the random
processing just check in the array to see if that has been removed.
10 X 10 array
"invader"&XVal&YVal for a 2 dimensional array then just name your movie
clips Invader00, Invader01, Invader02....Invader99
-----Original Message-----
From: Fletch [Fletch

Sent: 28 April 2000 14:28
To: flasher

Subject: FLASH: locate duplicate clips ?
i made a game, sort of space invaders, in which each invader is
a duplicate movie of one of the 4 families of invaders (blue, red,
Everything is ok for collision and remove movie clips ;
my problem is that for the invaders shoot ramdomly, i introduced
a process that can't work fine, as it asks to 1 (randomly ) of the 9
of each family to shoot. if this one (the invader) has been removed
it results in a bug in the game.
i need to call one of the duplicated movies present at the moment on the
how to locate them ?
how to catch their names ?
thanx a lot for any help.
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