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Subject: Re: FLASH: Not WebSafe colour in Flash on Windows ???
From: Cheri Harder
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 22:39:29 +0100

Hi, Mats. I just did some experimentation with this (Windows 98 here) with
my "eyedropper" from http://eyedropper.inetia.com/ and have these results:

The HTML page with #999999 as a background reports in the eyedropper at
152-152-152 RGB, where the Flash background (or fill) picking 152-152-152
reports as 160-160-160. Actually, when in the development environment, a
fill of 152-152-152 reports as two-colors...every other pixel is 104-104-104
and 160-160-160.

As for "why" I have no clue. But there is a recognizable difference on

~~~~Cheri Harder~~~~~
charderatawsolution [dot] com
Advantage Web Solution
> Can someone with Flash 4 on Windows please help me ??!!
> I've designed a web site using #999999 (mid grey) (2nd from white on Flash
> colour chart) as the background colour.
> The HTML page is set to the same colour, and this works perfectly fine on
> Mac (both IE & NS) but for some reason does not look good on a PC (both IE
> NS) where there is *noticeable* difference between the HTML side and the
> Flash side.

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  FLASH: Re: Not WebSafe colour in Flash o, Mats Persson

  FLASH: Not WebSafe colour in Flash on Wi, Mats Persson

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