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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash swf doesnt match size of pop-up window.
From: David Gary
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 16:18:30 +0100

David Gary wrote:

> Hiya Flashers,
> Ive created a swf movie W=300px, H=500px
> Ive used a hidden frame routine to call up a pop up window. I set the
> window's attributes to W=300, H=500.
> However when I call the pop-up window, the swf is larger and the window
> cuts off the edges in NS4. In IE3 it adds scroll bars(unexpected) but the
> window
> is still smaller than the .swf!
> What gives?! Why would the window with the same attributes as the swf be a
> different
> size?
> Ive used AfterShock and embedded as "exact fit", "no borders", Exact "pixel"
> size, "percentage of browser window", everything. It has no effect.
> Comon you JS and HTML monkeys, What gives,
> TIA,
> -DG-
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  FLASH: A Tool for any web developer!!!! , Chris Jester (CTS Technic
  FLASH: Lobby level? Flash3, David Gary
  Re: FLASH: Lobby level? Flash3, John Croteau
  FLASH: Flash swf doesnt match size of po, David Gary

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