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Subject: | FLASH: Demo site feedback |
From: | Paul Hagwood |
Date: | Mon, 28 Dec 1998 16:14:31 GMT |
I've been working on a demo for IBM reps to use in trade shows. The demo
is finally live on the net! It combines html, flash, and java. I mainly
created the graphics for the html and all the flash work, but none of
the java. If you would like to check it out, please go to:
Make sure you click on the "User Matrix" link to the left and then start
with Intranet, extranet or internet (it doesn't matter which, they are
all basically the same.) there are three main flash files but if you
would like to see the one that is the closest to being "finished", then
click on 'warehouse clerk' on the user matrix screen.
I am open to suggestions, ideas, or problems you see with the flash. If
you have the time, please check it out. Also, if you are new to flash
and would like to know how I did something, please ask. I found out
quite a bit about flash by doing this project.
Thanks to everyone in advance.
Paul Hagwood
Multimedia Designer
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Re: FLASH: Demo site feedback, Marc Hoffman
Re: FLASH: Demo site feedback, John Croteau
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