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Subject: Re: FLASH: OT: IE 5.5 Beta-- Man its fast.
From: Frederico
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 18:04:14 GMT

On 12/17/99 10:43 AM, John Brzys via jbrzysatperceptron [dot] com, said:

>I can never seeing a version of IE 5 ever working on a Mac OS.
>There is just too much of the windows OS incorporated into
>the browser. XML, XSL, VML, DOM,

So, are you saying it will never make it out of its current Beta revision?


~Before I knew what was happening,
I was strapping wheels on a big, plastic cow.~


Win2000 is scheduled for release Q1 2K. Will you stand in line for it?

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  Re: FLASH: OT: IE 5.5 Beta-- Man its fas, John Brzys

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