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Subject: Re: FLASH: Maybe not the Holiday Spirit... but
From: Ben
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 17:52:11 GMT

Worked fine for me on IE5, Intel Celeron 600 64mb ram ISDN! Only quarel
I would have is its not long enough to releave my amount of stress!
hehe. Also maybe it could do with a score board, maybe in the corner
have something where you get 1 point for shooting elves, and maybe have
1 deducted for shooting reindeer!

>I tried it in I.E. 5.5. Either I didn't understand it or it didn't work for
>me. After I click the start game button, that button never disappears. The
>gun site apppears but nothing seems to shoot.
>On a positive note, the graphics look great.
>Susan V.
>>From: "Lamont, Sarah" <SLamontate-g [dot] com>
>>Reply-To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
>>To: "'flasheratchinwag [dot] com'" <flasheratchinwag [dot] com>
>>Subject: FLASH: Maybe not the Holiday Spirit... but
>>Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 16:54:49 -0600
>>it's funny anyways.
>>Please test this out for me and let me know if it's working okay. Also what
>>you think.
>>Thank YOU!!!!
>>: ]
>>Sarah E. Lamont
>>élan communications
>>new media designer
>>slamontate-g [dot] com
>>: ]
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>flasher is generously supported by...
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> November 27-29, 2000, LONDON, National Film Theatre
> Produced by United Digital Artists and lynda.com
>-Sponsored by Macromedia, Adobe Systems and Apple Computer
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flasher is generously supported by...
flashforward2000 and the Flash(tm) Film Festival
November 27-29, 2000, LONDON, National Film Theatre

Produced by United Digital Artists and lynda.com
-Sponsored by Macromedia, Adobe Systems and Apple Computer
-http://www.flashforward2000.com or UK tel. +44 (0870) 751 1526
Register before November 10 and save £200
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  Re: FLASH: Maybe not the Holiday Spirit., Susan Vollmer

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