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Subject: | FLASH: Site check (beta of BackRiver Communications) |
From: | ryan schroeder |
Date: | Tue, 19 Dec 2000 12:54:23 GMT |
Hi there,
I know everybody has tons of spare time lying around, so if you need
something to do please check out the beta version of our new website.
I'm looking for as much feedback as possible, specifically navigation issues
and rendering speed on different set ups ( I've got a feeling some of my
transitions are going to be too slow.)
Please note: there is no front end yet so it'll load a little chunky, but
I've almost got it streaming.
Also the casestudies are exports from illustrator and over 100k each (with
no preloader), that will definitely change.
Please let me know what you think.
Thanks a lot
Ryan Schroeder

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Re: FLASH: Site check (beta of BackRive, Helen Triolo
Re: FLASH: Site check (beta of BackRive, Catherine Anfield
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