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Subject: OT: Hooray for Helen! [was: Re: FLASH: OT: Newbie question! NEVERMIND]
From: Ken Sherwood
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 17:17:36 GMT

on 12/19/00 9:27 AM, Helen Triolo at designerati-technica [dot] com spake thusly:

> You're welcome, Michael and Amanda. Hearing that the archive is useful
> keeps me inspired to keep updating it... appreciate the feedback!

Dear Helen,

Well in that case let me make it clear that I feel that your archive is the
best damn Flash thingy going on "out there". *Searchable nuggets of wisdom!*
Have you ever imagined how many many hours you've saved some of us? Not to
mention how many hairs haven't had to be pulled out in the process. Plus,
it's not just a "problem solving" resource ... it's also a great read on
nifty and unanticipated things one can do with Flash! Sometimes I just go to
your archive and start reading straight through.

... AND, also "not to mention" (I love that oxymoron -- or is it a paradox,
or a contradiction in terms?!) all the time you spend helping people with
your responses on this list, and over on [Flashcoders], especially with your
keen scripting insights. Heck, you even take time to respond to most if not
all of the site check requests!

You're the best, Helen; THANKS!

Ken Sherwood

p.s. Ya don't happen to have an unmarried twin sister, do ya? :-)


No Hurries No Worries.


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  Re: OT: Hooray for Helen! [was: Re: FLAS, sueyoo

  Re: FLASH: OT: Newbie question! NEVER MI, Helen Triolo

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