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Subject: FLASH: FlashGoods help
From: Micheal Waldrup
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 01:19:39 GMT

Hi all,
I appreciate all of you who recently took my survey for
FlashGoods. I had an amazing response and have decided to
continue in development. :-).
I would really appreciate your suggestions about what exactly I
will turn it into. You can go to:


to give me any suggestions you might have. Also I have set up
some additional forums that you guys can use as soon as you like.
The site will be mainly an animator's resource, but, will contain
alot of clip-art/artwork that I'm sure many of you can use
Thank you all again for the great response!
Micheal Waldrup

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  RE: FLASH: Site Check, Tony Indelicato
  FLASH: Pipeys Flash Chat or other Flash , Kyle Sandstrom

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