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Subject: Re: FLASH: importing from freehand
From: John Dowdell
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 21:55:51 GMT

At 12:20 AM 12/24/0, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
> Actually, I've had that very same error message for a long time.
> I use Illustrator(8),

He said he's using some type of FH format (I think). You say you're using
Illustrator, which doesn't export in FH format. We're getting two distinct
things merged together, but we're still trying to *define* the first one

> and have saved the files under different formats (ai 8, 7,
> 6, eps, non-eps),

It's best to do as as the docs advise, and save out in AI6 format, or
export from ILL8 as SWF with the FlashWriter plugin.

> Just to make sure, I did some testing with a very simple file (a
> square, a triangle, a line of text, all on different layers, all
> very easy to check out) and imported in Flash (the file imported
> correctly, in different (one frame) layers in Flash). Error message,
> but everything imported fine.

That's very good... that's the one-or-all-files test. You showed that some
of your content could not come across, while simple content could.

(For the alert, you might want to cross-check this against all those
non-recommended formats you were using.)


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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  FLASH: Site Check Please, Peggi & Ben Rodgers

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