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Subject: FLASH: RE: how to see the site
From: J. Nelson
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 16:41:46 GMT

On 2/18/99 Colin Moock [fritzaticeinc [dot] com] wrote...

>>i suppose some may be getting it still from a server cache but i don't run
>>one, and the page is gone for me now...

OK guys, can't you just hit the front page at http://www.i2f.org/ and
pick "Flash" from the drop-down menu? Or am I missing something? I've
been able to view it that way for several days now. I'm on a PC using
NS 4.5.

And could someone let me know if I've corrected the attachment
problem I was causing a few days ago? Thanks.


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- Jerry Nelson - ffixeratcharlotte [dot] infi [dot] net -
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  Re: FLASH: RE: how to see the site, Colin Moock

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