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Subject: Re: FLASH: FLASH making the movie change in main frame
From: Randy Anthony
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 08:03:20 GMT

Hey Lars
When your making the frameset, you need to make sure you have a base
name for that frame. Ok, the HTML part is over, now for what we are all
here for, flash. In flash, when you go to the properties of the button,
or frame, and set the 'Get URL' action, at the bottom of that window
there is a drop down box that is called window, you need to type in what
the frame name is you want that page, or flash file, to go to.

L a r s G r a v e s e n wrote:

> Hi all i am making a menu in a left frame and wants the main page in
> the right change when the user clicksMy problem is that i can make it
> change in the same frame or open a new window but when I try to make
> it change the page in the other frame it opens a new window. I think i
> have made the frameset the right way. Does anyone know a site where i
> can see this done. thanks Lars Gravesenlgatwebbureauet [dot] dk

Randy Anthony
randyatrwaweb [dot] com
Microsoft Site Builder Level 2

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  FLASH: FLASH making the movie change in , L a r s G r a v e s e n

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