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Subject: | RE: FLASH: Flash 3 Support in WebTv and real world numbers |
From: | Frederico |
Date: | Wed, 19 Jan 2000 21:15:24 GMT |
On 1/19/00 12:47 PM, unique via unique

>How many Old Classics are in use?
>How many New Classics are in use?
>How many Pluses are in use?
>How many DISHPlayers are in use?
>Anybody care to hunt up these stats before I get a chance to?
I had the recent alleged-shipped figures around here somewhere; it's a
surprisingly large figure and growing; what I can tell you is that our
busiest commerce-based websites see about 3% of their traffic from WebTV
(as many as 10k visits per month). Of that percentage, an average of 85%
make purchases or use services of the site.
Basically, what I'm trying to tell you is WebTV is (for better or worse)
a real demographic that is consumer-driven, and you (or at least your
client) should be concerned with, hence, and as I have stressed
repeatedly, website designers need to provide an alternate
text-only/low-graphics version of their website that meets the needs of
as many users as possible. It is very easy to derive such a version from
a Flash/Java/JavaScript-oriented version.
If we did not specifically cater to WebTV users, we'd almost certainly
not see any revenues from that market; in fact, our work is frequently
placed on the WebTV top sites lists, thus generating even more traffic as
a result of our extra (worthwhile) effort to make them welcome. If we
failed to meet their needs, we'd be failing to meet our client's needs,
as well.
BTW, the WebTV demographic is only a fraction of the Mac demographic, so
if you're hesitant to make the minimal effort required to welcome Macs
(whose parents clearly have fat wallets) to your house, you may as well
just forget WebTV, and, perhaps, choose another profession altogether.
Food for thought.
~Apple *is* Design.~
-- Rob Burgess CEO Macromedia 5 January 2000
Think OS X -- Summer 2000
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