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Subject: | FLASH: Scoring in Flash 4.0 using action script |
From: | Suzanne Beane |
Date: | Sat, 29 Jan 2000 17:43:29 GMT |
Does anyone know of any good reference sites or books that illustrates
scoring (action script) in Flash 4.0?
I am in the process of creating a large quiz that randomly pulls from the
quiz file (125 possible questions).
There are 5 category lists and within each of the categories 5 different
random names are possible to be viewed.
Within the 5 different names possible are 5 possilble questions randomly
The quiz will only show 5 questions at a time and would need to be scored.
thanks in advance-

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Re: FLASH: Scoring in Flash 4.0 using ac, Karin Christensen
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