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Subject: | Re: FLASH: Continuous scroll-how? |
From: | Sarah Lamont |
Date: | Mon, 31 Jan 2000 14:24:44 GMT |
Okay, I really have no idea how you could do this, but *maybe* this
would help? Do you know/have the infinite scrolling slider menu that
Brandon made? Maybe by applying some of this actionscripting to yours
you could get what you wanted. If I was an actionscript wizard I would
try to do it myself, but.... you're probably better off trying it
Just an idea. :]
dk wrote:
> > Hey everyone.....
> >
> > I was wondering how you would acheive the following....
> >
> > I'm looking to creates a MC of a never ending scroll that loops... for the
> > sake of an example say numbers scrolling through your mc ranging from 1 to
> > 10, continuous, with no breaks in it....
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FLASH: Continuous scroll-how?, dk
Re: FLASH: Continuous scroll-how?, dk
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