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Subject: | Re: WebTV wants to know: Flash 3 |
From: | Jim Curry |
Date: | Sat, 25 Jul 1998 21:18:57 +0100 |
> Hello from WebTV Networks.
> For those designing entertainment-oriented, consumer or television related
> web sites, I'd appreciate answers to the following questions. (Specific
> answers help more than generalized answers.)
> How important is Macromedia Flash to your web site today?
Very important.
> How much will that change over the next 12 months?
Flash is becoming an internet standard which means it will very
important for my own personal site and others. I am getting many
inquiries from businesses with regards to using and developing Flash
sites for them.
> Currently, do your sites use Flash for the following...
> - navigation (such as buttons)
> - information content
Yes...some what
> - entertainment content
> - ads
NA. My site is a personal site
> - non-critical graphics or design elements
A little
> Within 12 months will your sites use Flash for the following...
> - navigation (such as buttons)
> - information content
> - entertainment content
> - ads
> - non-critical graphics or design elements
> By when will you replace Flash 2 with Flash 3 format/features?
I am changing over all current Flash2 works to 3 right now. its time
consuming because of other obligations..
> Which sites or projects can you tell us about that are Flash-dependent?
> Thanks to those who can provide some answers. You will help us make an
> important decision.
> Cheers,
> John H. Lee
> Interactive TV Guy @ WebTV Networks, Inc.
> jlee

> evangelist

Good Luck and keep us posted!
Jim Curry :-)
Virtual Curry
"A nice place to unwind on the internet"
gif and flash animations,
illustrations, music and more

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RE: WebTV wants to know: Flash 3, Rob Brewster
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