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Subject: | Re: Is there a FLASH Rollover tutorial out there somewhere? |
From: | Joe Crawford |
Date: | Mon, 27 Jul 1998 17:37:39 +0100 |
Kimberly Slack wrote:
> I've been viewing the one in the FLASH3 samples and I'm a little
> confused by it. If anyone has a walkthru of their rollover, I'd sure
> love to see it.
Go through the tutorial again - I swear it works.
You could also go here:
Overviews of the 4 types of rollovers.
Joe Crawford > ArtLung = Artist + Respiratory Therapist <
> W e b D e s i g n e r <
> Los Angeles, California, USA <
> <artlung

> <http://home.earthlink.net/~artlung/> <
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Is there a FLASH Rollover tutorial out t, Kimberly Slack
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