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Subject: Flash 3 detection scripts...
From: Tom Simpson
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 16:24:11 +0100

Has anyone worked out a good detection script to check for the Flash 3 plugin (as opposed to the Flash 2 plugin?) I've got a script that works great for detecting Flash, but I'm going to start using some 3.0 features and I need to have one that will check for the 3.0 plugin.

Here's one of my current scripts I use (found it from here on the list a while ago). Any suggestions/modifications? Just adding a 3.0 in the navigator.plugins section didn't work for me, the script still sent me to the non-flash page.


<!-- use this comment tag to hide the enclosed code from old browsers.

//Look for a version of Internet Explorer that supports ActiveX (i.e., one that's
//running on a platform other than Mac or Windows 3.1) or a browser that supports
//the plugin property of the navigator object and that has Shockwave Flash

if ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" &&
navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") == -1 &&
navigator.appVersion.indexOf("3.1") == -1) ||

(navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"])){

//Load a pre-defined HTML page with Shockwave in it into the browser window.
else {
//Load a pre-defined HTML page without Shockwave into the browser window.

// Close the comment tag. -->

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  Re: Flash 3 detection scripts..., Colin Moock

  The Good Frameset, Andrew Vester

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