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Subject: RE: jpg, bmp to vector image converter?
From: Michael Maffie
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 1998 14:42:03 +0100

Hi, DG,

on Fri, 26 Jun 1998 you wrote to flasher:
>Does anyone know if there is such thing as a converter
>that will convert jpg, gif or bmp files to a vector format
>that can then be imported into Flash3?

>Trying to find away to keep larger detailed images in
>a better quality format while keeping file size small.

If you have Freehand 7 or 8, these programs have an excellent
"Trace" tool that will convert bitmaps to vector. You can
set the curve fidelity and number of colors to achieve a
desired file size, though converted photos do make really
complex vector images.

Moreover, Freehand 8 lets you export directly to Flash. (Version
7 might do this too, I don't remember. Also, versions prior to 7
might have the trace tool.)

Adobe Illustrator claims to have a trace tool, but its fidelity
is so poor that it is practically worthless. Perhaps this shortcoming
is maintained in order to promote sales of their standalone converter,
Adobe Streamline. That tool might also be an option for you.

I assume you already own Flash, but if not, you can get it bundled with
Freehand 8 for a reasonable price, marketed as "Design in Motion Suite".

Hope that helps.

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