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Subject: FLASH: Flash 4 Content (Check)
From: Brian Medendorp
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 20:52:24 +0100

I've now updated my page with more flash content, including some
Flash 4 stuff. It's located at:
but you can still get to it (with the intro) from:

Comments welcome.

I created a script to send the user to the new flash 4 page, if they have
flash 4 installed, and to the old flash 3 version if they only have flash
3, but I had a few problems with internet explorer, but I'm not sure if
it's just my machine, so if someone could check that out for me, that
would help a lot.

-Dorp :)
Brian "Mouse, Heed, Dorp, Bob" Medendorp
medendobatlahs [dot] losalamos [dot] k12 [dot] nm [dot] us (mailto:medendobatlahs [dot] losalamos [dot] k12 [dot] nm [dot] us)

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  Re: FLASH: Flash 4 Content (Check), P. Scot McIntosh
  Re: FLASH: Flash 4 Content (Check), Gregory Reddin

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