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Subject: | Re: FLASH: FlashForward 2000 response? |
From: | Charles Goran |
Date: | Fri, 31 Mar 2000 00:05:18 +0100 |
I totally agree. You completely summed up what I was going to say. Save for the
addition of the fact that I arrived 1 hour passed registration time and they
were out of "the $750.00 dollar valued video and work book package". So I got
nothing. Poor planning.
Charles Goran
Justin Everett-Church wrote:
> hi,
> while I'm happy that there was a flash conference, I was very disappointed
> with it overall. 7 exhibitors upstairs?? that was really sad. there were
> plenty more tangential vendors that could have been there. The first day's
> workshops were completely useless. From talking to others, they did seem to
> be useful to newcomers to Flash, but I thought from reading the site that it
> was for Flash developers. Advanced actionscripting suggested to me that they
> would skip the "intro actionscripting" and it would be focused on complex
> use of actionscripting, not 2 hours on how to make slider bars (1 hour of
> which was supposed to be devoted to FS commands).
> on the positive side, I liked the hands on workshop from Adobe on
> LiveMotion. I liked the director/flash seminar and also Flash printing.
> The film festival was strange. ummmm.... Sinbad? that was just weird
> what it all boils down to... when asked by my boss how I liked the
> conference, I was REALLY embarrassed. they spent $1000 for me to go and all
> I could tell him was that I know what some of the upcoming features of Flash
> 5 are going to be. (pieces of information now available for free on this
> list) I feel like I got swindled but my company paid the price.
> I apologize if this post annoys anyone. I'm very happy if you got something
> out of it. The more people supporting the use of Flash the better. It will
> mean more jobs, and more industry acceptance. All of which is a wonderful
> wonderful thing
> Justin Everett-Church (spelled Chruch on my badge ;) )
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner

> Dunn
> Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 9:11 AM
> To: flasher
> Subject: FLASH: FlashForward 2000 response?
> Sorry, if this has been brought up already, but I just into work and have
> 930
> !!! emails to get through over the next few hours. I just got back from SF
> and
> the FlashForward conference. Anyone else go? Wanted to hear your reactions,
> etc.
> Here's mine: Intense. Lots of information, cool stuff to see, LOTS of
> people.
> Some stuff not quite up to par (the sound discussion was a fiasco) and the
> 3D
> session felt a bit like an infomercial for Swift 3D. And the Flash preview
> was a
> little disappointing - maybe if they'd revealed something about their plans
> for
> scripting!!! But Josh Ulm's actionscripting insights made so much sense,
> when i
> left it was like AHA!!!! Now I get it. And inspired me to get to work on my
> own
> tutorials (keep an eye out here, I'll post when one's ready). I came up with
> a
> very simple solution to using mc's in actionscripting to do ANYTHING!! Very
> simple approach. Very easy for non-programmers to understand I think. Really
> excited. And the film festival was pretty great (though the winners weren't
> to
> surprising). All in all it would have been nice if there'd been more time
> devoted to flash and less to Quicktime, LiveMotion, Real, etc. But I guess
> that's politics.
> P.S. The response to Live Motion's features seemed a lot more
> audience-approved
> than those planned for the next version on flash in my opinion. I was more
> impressed, anyway.
> Anyone else have comments?
> --
> Michael Dunn
> flasher is generously supported by...
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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> "The World’s Premier Flash Solutions Conference and Expo"
> March 27-29, Nob Hill Masonic Center, San Francisco, California
> -Register before Feb 25 and save $200!!-- www.flashforward2000.com
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flasher is generously supported by...
flashforward2000 and The Flash Film Festival
"The World’s Premier Flash Solutions Conference and Expo"
March 27-29, Nob Hill Masonic Center, San Francisco, California
-Register before Feb 25 and save $200!!-- www.flashforward2000.com
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RE: FLASH: FlashForward 2000 response?, Justin Everett-Church
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