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Subject: Re: FLASH: FlashForward 2000 response? (astounding turn-out)
From: Joe Sparks
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 13:11:49 +0100

Michael Dunn, mdunnatthemericaagency [dot] com wrote:

> Anyone else have comments?

Flash Forward 2000 was astounding, if only for the special, high-powered
turn-out. The masonic auditorium strained by the mass of people, especially
for a one-product trade show like this!

This was a deal-making show... people hovering over contracts... discussing
strategic relationships... LOTS of hiring and recruiting going on... people
putting together new shows, new sites. Investors were all over the place. I
met people from Sony, FOX, Disney, many others.. it was amazing. I wasn't
expecting this kind of crowd. Lots of bright people from many well-known dot
coms... I probably shook hands with at least 300 people.

The place was packed with opportunity, if you were looking it. Macromedia
alone has ALOT of jobs to fill. I met many incredible animators looking to
move out to the great San Francisco, from Canada, Japan, all over the US.

Of course, the majority of the people were top notch Flashers from all over
the world. I saw some wonderful portfolios, cool demos playing off of lap
tops, nifty creative promos.. fun stuff.

I had a BLAST showing Radiskull & Devil Doll on the Character Animation
panel, the last session of the last day. I met so many nice people.

I've been to many of trade shows & conferences, and the most LONG TERM
valuable thing I take back is the new friends I make. I made alot of new
friends at this show, and I caught up with many old friends I had not seen
in a while.

Perhaps meeting people is not on your list of goals for a conference like
this, but it always is for me.

I wasn't able to take in the whole conference, but I saw some nice,
informative stuff on action scripting, animation, 3D, generator, &

The next one is bound to be better- I hear UDA.com and Lynda.com were
pleasantly suprised (shocked?) at the success of this thing, and they are
planning bigger and better for the next one... I hope to be there!

Best wishes,

Joe Sparks

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"The World’s Premier Flash Solutions Conference and Expo"
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  FLASH: FlashForward 2000 response?, Michael Dunn

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