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Subject: | FLASH: Re: interactive film squence |
From: | Ray Broussard |
Date: | Mon, 29 May 2000 04:18:10 +0100 |
>Ray Broussard wrote:
>Your controller or drag feature will do a tell target to this MC and go to
newframe = oldframe +
>1 or what have you.Place your hot spot buttons in layers above your single
original pano.jpg
>movie clip. That way your hot spots automatically travel with the image.
>hello ray
>thx for your *speedmail*.
>i gotit all unto quoted part.but
>1.how would the telltarget call for the controller exactly sound like in your
If you had a pan right button in the main timeline, its instance script might
read something like:
if your pair of tweened pano instances movieclip have an instance name of
myPairOfTweenedPanosInstance and that instance is on the main timeline...
On (Press)
Begin Tell Target ("/myPairOfTweenedPanosInstance")
Go to and Stop (_currentframe+1)
End Tell Target
End On
Actually, this script needs to be in a looping frame so your button controller
gets continuos feedback and keeps the pano panning. And, depending on your pano
size, desired smoothness and speed of panning, you need to fine tune the spacing
of keyframes in your tweened pano MC.
If the right or left pan button is clicked, I would also set a flag so that the
tweened pano MC can make a decision to go to frame 1 or 199 from frame 200, (and
to frame 2 or 200 from frame 1) depending on which button is down.
>2.when i place a button layer upon the original pano, it's active(hand cursor)
>but won't work/link (as before)...
Should work. Works for me. Is the link go to targeting the right timeline? I
reckon you made sure its instance script has a mouse press or released script???
There also exists a step-by-step tutorial for this on one or more of the Flash
tutorial sites like Colin Mock's and FlashLite, but I don't remember exactly
Ray Broussard
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Re: FLASH: Re: interactive film squence, mhawk
FLASH: need tut for moveable image w. bu, mhawk
Re: FLASH: Re: interactive film squence, mhawk
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