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Subject: RE: FLASH: Sneak Preview - Architectural Website
From: John Cooper
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 09:12:23 +0000 (GMT)

great stuff, od bit with the black to grey bg ?
also you may need to check for you invisible buttons in the top
left quarter under leading the way > select topic > all change (like
that) but hte button seems to still be there ?

great stuff though :-)

o o o o o o o

definition digital media

johnatddm-net [dot] com

> ----------
> From: Vishnevsky, Nelly
> Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 1998 3:28 PM
> To: 'flasheratshocker [dot] com'
> Subject: FLASH: Sneak Preview - Architectural Website
> Please take a look at our new all-Flash site dedicated to architecture
> and
> interior design. It's a beta version and is not officially released
> yet, so
> any constructive comments and suggestions are welcome.
> Many helpful posts by people like John Croteau, Len Harrison, and Marc
> Hoffman went into the creation of this site. I've been lurking on the
> list
> forever, and now it's time to thank these guys for their wonderful
> presence
> and support to all of us newbies. Especially John, who seems to be a
> living
> legend of the Flasher list. You don't even know, John, how many
> people out
> there you've helped!
> Gratefully,
> Nelly Vishnevsky
> ________________________
> The Hillier Group
> e-mail: nvishnevskyathillier [dot] com
> web:
> --------------------
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